Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bangkok weekend

This weekend I had so much fun doing things that I don't normally do, and I feel so good about them that I must get it down.
On Friday night I went to a party at a teacher friend's house, Jay. He's married to a lovely Thai woman, May, and the party was to happen on the rooftop. I thought my rooftop was cool (its in fact the furthest thing from cool) but Jay's is the epitome of cool. So for starters, I've never even been on the rooftop on an apartment building before (22 floors) and secondly I've never partied on a roof top before. We had so much fun, jamming with a jembe, did some singing, Jennie did some piggy-backing, and so on. I did leave fairly early though, no one else was going in my direction, and I didn't want to take the risk of falling asleep in the taxi all by myself.

On Saturday I got way out of my comfort zone and played tennis. I know, right? Just weird. I don't voluntarily do sport, its not my thing. But Nics was really keen, and Shawn (my packrat landlord) has loads of spare rackets and balls, and my building has a tennis court. I really enjoyed it, and am determined to get better at it, so Nics and I have decided to play every weekend. During the week would be great too, but I don't get home till after dark.

I have also decided that I should take up running again. Its a crying shame to have brought my takkies all this way and then not have shown them anything, Plus there's a really nice park around the corner from me that is perfect for that purpose.

After tennis, we sat up on the balcony having some beers and singing our little hearts out. But African harmonies don't work so well if you only have two voices, neither of which is a bass. KC will be useful for that purpose also :)

We then went adventuring, looking for a nice place to have a drink. I love it when a really good night kind of sneaks up on you. We were planning on a quiet one, and then bed, but an internet search said there was a salsa festival happening this weekend, so we went looking for it. The place was closed (weird) so we met up with Jennie, Taylor and some friends of theirs at this place near home called The Australian. I didn't expect much from it, having seen my fair share of Sukhumvit bars, but! They have this great Filipino cover band who are actually really good, and the vibe is cool. So that was a very pleasant surprise, and our quiet drink brought us home at 3am. Not bad!

I'm enjoying challenging myself by doing completely different things, and its so worthwhile when they turn out well. Like right now, I'm sitting on my bed, having just eaten something I would never before have considered an entire meal - rice with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. And its great. I love that I'm breaking barriers and changing myself. This weekend I really feel like I'm accomplishing my mission.

1 comment:

  1. go tasj!!!
    glad you're having a ball, live it up and enjoy your adventure.
    love and hugs,
